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Reasons to Switch to a Smart Thermostat

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There are so many reasons to switch to a smart thermostat for your home, but you’ve been reluctant. Perhaps, you’re worried about the cost, or think the technology will be too complicated. You’re not alone. Many homeowners are hesitant, but they shouldn’t be. Consider this.

We ask Siri for directions or to place a call. We ask Alexa to play our favorite songs or order groceries. And Google Assistant can be counted on to turn on the TV or remind us of our daily schedule. Sometimes we need to ask twice to be understood, but we trust the results. Yet many of us are still walking up to the thermostat on the wall several times a day to adjust the temperature in our homes. Ok, so maybe it’s not as simple as saying “Hey Google,” but the benefits of smart thermostats may be even better. Because they can learn your preferences and adjust the temperature without you even asking. And they offer cost and energy savings, remote access, and even helpful alerts.

So, let’s look closer at the top reasons to switch to a smart thermostat.

Reason #1: Learning your schedule

Perhaps the biggest advantage of a smart thermostat is its ability to learn a household’s patterns and adjust heating and cooling according to when a home is occupied or is about to be occupied. This reduces the use of heating and cooling systems when nobody is home for significant periods of time. you can now also program it to turn on and off based on your schedule, the current weather, and even when a certain number of people are in your home.

But you don’t have to tediously program an exhaustive schedule to get the benefits of a smart thermostat. In fact, you could choose not to program it at all. Many Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats learn your habits and preferences over time, and usually develop a schedule for you over the course of a couple of weeks. Smart thermostats will learn when you leave for and come home from work, what areas of the house you spend your time in, and the temperature you like to keep the house depending on the time of day. If it’s too cold or hot, open the app to turn the air up or down to a more comfortable temperature to help it learn better.

Reason #2:  Cost Savings

One of the top reasons many people switch to a smart thermostat is to save money. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates you can save 10% on heating and cooling simply by dropping any type of thermostat’s demands from its typical setting by 7 – 10 degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours a day. And, according to, a smart thermostat can save you between 10% to 25% on your heating and cooling costs.

Several built-in features of smart thermostats, including eco and vacation modes, the ability to program different temperatures for different times, as well as their learning capabilities. make it easier than ever for homeowners to cut back on their energy usage. But just how much you’ll save depends on a variety of factors, including how you use your smart thermostat, your heating and cooling preferences, climate, your HVAC system, insulation, and the age of your home.

Reason #3: Remote Access

Just like older thermostats, smart thermostats control the temperature in the home. They kick on your heating or cooling systems to maintain a set temperature range. But unlike other thermostats, you don’t need to be in front of the actual device or even in the house when using it.

Wi-Fi thermostats tie into your home network and can be accessed from any smart device – your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. You can remotely switch on your heating or cooling if you’re heading home unexpectedly or shut it down if you’re out of town and forgot to set up a new program before you left.

Reason #4: Reminders and Alerts

Smart thermostats provide warnings that you program. They can alert you to severe temperature drops that may signal a system failure or to potential plumbing damage when you’re away. They can also provide helpful updates that show how much energy you’re saving (or conversely, how much more you are spending) and send you a gentle reminder to conserve energy.

Want to know how much energy it takes to keep your home cool in the summer and toasty in the winter? Some devices provide key details into your energy usage patterns. Still others compare your AC and heat use to the usage for an average household for your neighborhood.

Take Control

In short, a regular thermostat allows you to adjust the temperature via a dial or a panel on the wall somewhere in your home. A smart thermostat, on the other hand, gives you the opportunity to control your heating and cooling systems. Not only can you do so remotely and through nearly any of your compatible smart devices, but they provide high levels of customization for your lifestyle. That translates into convenience and savings that even Siri and Alexa can understand the first time.

Trust Levco to Help You Make The Right Heating and Cooling Choices!

Still unsure? Let Levco’s team of experts help you determine if a smart thermostat is right for your home, your lifestyle and your HVAC system. We work with the top manufactures, including Nest, EcoBee, and Honeywell. Call us today to find out why thousands of customers have trusted Levco for over 40 years to keep their tanks full, their homes comfortable and their equipment operating efficiently.

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